Friday, 30 January 2015


Prison under watch 

Voyeurism- being watched 
Style over substance 
God like power- focault

Society of the spectacle- 
Debord superficial 
Style over substance 
Defined by price and popularity 

Hyper reality-

Real and artificial


Video games 

2000- broadband internet 
Social media 

Conclusion- where we are going to be in the future 10 years on
Black mirror 

Assessment- black mirror and wreck it Ralph 

Clip 1- google glass 
Mix of human and technology 
Voyerusim- focault 

Clip 2- 
Real and artificial 
Not able to tell the difference 

Clip 3-
Hyper real 
Simulation of life 
Consumerism- advertising 

Black mirror- 



Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Coursework notes

  • q1- part 1- analyse what conventions were used and how they fit  
part 2- evaluate the conventions used, why you used them, did they work? Compare to others

  • q2- Analyse and evaluate how well the brand identity worked and kept constant

  • q3- Analyse and evaluate what you have learnt from audience feedback

  • q4- Compare, evaluate and conclude how you used technologies for your research, planning and evaluation


Black mirror-
White bear intertextuality- 
the Truman show 
The purge 
Big brother 
Jurassic park 

15million merits intertextuality-
X factor 
Britains got talent 
Wii characters

Apple- real
Individualism no community or family
Simulacra, artificial 
No happy ending- human progress
Commodification- something gains value through money 
- Valentine's Day
- White bear, justice is commodified 
This text is deliberate to create deeper meaning.

Wreck it Ralph-
Not deliberately giving a deeper meaning 
Lyotard- still has grand narratives 
Historically- yes and no 

Charlie brooker- 
Understands postmodern theory 

Wreck it raplph does not weaken the grand narratives, however it weakens the barrier between real and artificial and therefore strengthens the postmodern style.
BM-3 WIR-1 1/2

Overall black mirror is more postmodern than wreck it Ralph, as it explores Pomo style, theories and historical context.Through style both episodes of black mirror uses intertextuality, some influences of the first episode "white bear" are the Truman show and big brother. Wreck it Ralph also refers to many intertextuality references like Mario and halo, implying it follows Jamesons theory about imitating dead styles due to the lack of new ideas being created and therefore it has aspects of postmodernism. 
Looking at the historical aspect of postmodernism wreck it Ralph follows the grand narratives as it has a happy ending, this is the result of having a child audience. As it is a Disney film the postmodern reference is unlikely to have been created deliberately, therefore the dominant ideas of modern society still remain. On the other hand black mirror is created using postmodern theories deliberately,we know this due to the director Charlie brooker creates programmes exploring the theories as well. 

Gamer 1999-
Hyper reality becomes our reality 
The spectacle 
Consumerism and fame 

Sexualised- voyeurism 
Celebrates the artificial
Game characters 
Collapse of morality 

Voyeurism - power 
Watching for entertainment 

Friday, 23 January 2015


The spectacle 
Celebrities are possible roles for the audience- false representations 
They become reality of our everyday lives 
Put a price on everything 

False sense of reality- Young people grow up with this from the media 
Hyper sexuality 
hyper reality 

Intrusive and sexual
Panopticon- prison designed to be seen all the time 

Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Real vs artificial 
Past has been abandoned 
Music, arcade, games - 80s
1982-2013, more realistic 
Comfortable with simulation 

Grand narrative- main ideas 
Grand narratives have not changed much between 1982 and now 

Dubord- society are focused on superficialism 
Style over substance- how it sells, selling yourself 

Early post modernism 
Invention of the computer 
Wir- nostalgia for people in their 30s and 40s
Characteristics of post modernism become stronger

Hyper reality and simulation- stronger 
Rejection of grand narrative- weaker 
Cultural recycling- stronger 

To what extent is wreck it Ralph post modern,

Saturday, 17 January 2015

To what extent is Wreck it Ralph a Post-modern text?

Wreck it Ralph in my opinion is more post modern to some extent, however by rejecting traditional ideas it often ends up conforming. The film is based around a world of video game characters, who have human emotion, this rejects reality as it implies our world effects the game world. This in a way is true, but just exaggerated in the film as video games are interactive and therefore post modern. The film being based in a post modern setting, does not change the fact that the film itself was made by Disney and as a result conforms to modernist ideas.. The simple linear structure is used, as well as a happy ending. For example, Ralph achieves his goal and beats his binary opposite who is "Turbo". The characters themselves challenge modern ideas, as they challenge their stereotype. Ralph being the main character, is also introduced as the villain but his morality suggests that of  a hero. By challenging this stereotype the film is post modern, but on the other hand giving him traditional morals, this makes the film modern.

Jameson, a film theorist, suggests that originality is no longer possible, which is why we copy dead styles. Wreck it Ralph is evidence of his theory, as intertextuality is a large part of the film. When in the 'game station' there are a lot of references to 90's video games, some examples of this are PACMAN and Mario. The references are not just apparent here but also in the games that they visit. "Hero's Duty", has been influenced greatly by post modern video games, "Halo" and "Call of Duty", as well as "Sugar Rush" being influenced by "Candy Crush" and "Mario Kart". By using these intertextual references, it creates a sense of nostalgia for the older viewing audience. Nostalgia can also be linked to Lyotard's theory that we have no belief in ideas any more. Meaning that we look to the past for ideas rather than humans future and progression. 

Thursday, 15 January 2015

9th January 2015

9th January- media
You have to understand modernism to understand post modernism 
Breaking the structures of modernism 
Postmodern- binary opposite, paradox, hypocritical 

Post modernism
Breaking traditional conventions
New ideas
Hybrid - genre mixed

Lack of beliefs

Just a theory - post modernism - don't believe in theories


1960's - traditional ideas changing

Weakening of modernism 1945-1960's

1960's onwards - post modern ideas strengthening

New media - TV, 

1. Central idea of collapsing structures
2. Rejection of traditional ideas (modernism)
3. Emptiness, lack of beliefs (fake & superficial)

Understand modernism to understand post modernism
Post modernism - binary opposite to modernism, breaking structures
Paradox - binary opposite is a modernist structure, but need to be understood to understand post modernism even though the post modernism doesn't have a belief in binary opposites

Lyotard-period of history, postmodernity, collapsing structures 1980, teenagers selfish, belief in ourselves rather than a community, morality 

Baudrillard-think like, hyper reality &simulacra, but it is Disney, 

Jameson-stylistic, intertextuality, simulation etc

Homework- music video etc finished 

Tuesday, 13 January 2015


Human & Technology-   Although they are shown with human characteristics, the game world is the setting. This rejects traditional ideas because the games are not actually effected by reality.

Real & Artificial- The characters are given human characteristics, blending the wall between real and artificial. An example is of their feelings, jealousy, love etc.  However it is explained by their programming.

Good & Evil- Ralph wants to be a hero, however he has been set as a villain. By breaking this he collapses the structure of his game.

Male & Female- The stereotypical roles of male and female, are different in each game. Hero's Duty is one game in which the female has most power. This is clear when speaking to Felix, however it changes when he saves her.

Genres- Genres are not supposed/ allowed to mix in the film, as when they do issues arise. This collapses games as it breaks structure.




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